Thursday, February 6, 2020

You have been asked to speak at a career fair for high school students Research Paper

You have been asked to speak at a career fair for high school students in your home town - Research Paper Example ctivities, preparing financial statements, reviewing financial records using audit trials, and using financial statements for strategic planning purposes (VanBaren, n.d.). Let me now tell you about the term ‘financial reporting’. Financial reporting means provision of financial information to concerned individuals and departments in the form of reports to use it for business purposes. â€Å"These reports provide vital information about the organization’s financial status† (Symes, n.d.). Accountants usually organize financial information in the form of financial statements and send them to concerned authorities for decision-making activities. Accounting has also played a significant role in my personal life as its professional ethics have made me much more organized than before. I have also become highly skilled in preparing a cost effective monthly budget for household activities. Apart from these benefits of being skilled in accounting, you must be able to use latest technologies and software applications to progress in your professional careers as accountants. The reason is that technology make accounting processes fast and free or errors which are two of the basic requirements of efficient

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